Need a CPAP Alternative? Call: 724-935-6670
Need a CPAP Alternative? Call: 724-935-6670
OFFICE PHONE: 724-935-6670
Are you searching for an alternative to CPAP devices but aren’t sure where to begin? If so, the team at Pittsburgh Dental Sleep Medicine in McMurray, Monroeville, and Wexford, Pennsylvania can help. Don’t continue a treatment path that does not meet your needs when there are safe and effective options available. Call the office today to book your visit! (724)935-6670.
CPAP alternatives are optional treatments for sleep apnea that can be very effective.
Traditionally, doctors treated sleep apnea with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy. In CPAP therapy, you wear a mask over your nose and mouth during sleep. The mask connects to a machine that emits a constant stream of oxygen, keeping your airways open.
Though effective, CPAP therapy causes many people to experience side effects like dry mouth, nasal passage sensitivity, bloating, nosebleeds, claustrophobia, and facial impressions from the mask.
Fortunately, there are CPAP alternatives that can help you get a good night’s rest without these side effects.
The Sleep Dentists at Pennsylvania Dental Sleep Medicine offer a consultation visit where they will discuss and recommend several sleep apnea alternatives including:
Many people with sleep apnea find that they rest more comfortably after losing a few pounds. If you’re overweight, excess fat can affect the size of your airways, making it more difficult to breathe. Losing weight can relieve pressure on your palate and help you sleep better.
Your provider might also recommend eating a nutritious diet, exercising regularly, and quitting smoking.
Positional Therapy may be helpful if your obstructive sleep apnea is significantly worse while laying on your back vs your side while sleeping. There are many positional therapy aid devices available to patients. They coach you to sleep on your side or physically prevent you from rolling onto your back throughout the night. Your provider may recommend this additional therapy for combination therapy with other treatments.
On rare occasions, people may have soft tissue at the back of their throats that actually blocks their airways. If you have a physical obstruction and neither Oral Appliance Therapy nor CPAP is a solution, sleep apnea surgery from an ENT or oral surgeon might be necessary.
Oral appliance therapy is an effective treatment option for snoring and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). An oral appliance fits over your teeth like an orthodontic retainer while you sleep and supports your jaw in a forward position to keep your airway open. A custom-fit oral appliance can improve your sleep, restore your alertness, and revitalize your health.
If you and your doctor decide that oral appliance therapy is the best treatment option for you, your doctor will write a prescription and refer you to a qualified dentist who can make a custom-fit oral appliance for you. The dentist will provide ongoing treatment to make sure your appliance remains comfortable and effective for you.
Consider CPAP alternatives at Pennsylvania Dental Sleep Medicine if you have sleep apnea and experience any of the following issues:
A specially-trained Sleep Apnea Dentist can determine the appropriate oral appliance that will most benefit you. After an oral exam and a discussion of your symptoms, your provider makes treatment recommendations, on an individual basis. Dentists who have received training specifically in this field will work with many different appliance designs for optimal compliance outcomes.
To explore CPAP alternatives call our office today or use our online booking tool to request an appointment.